While the summer season may technically not end until mid-September, Labour Day weekend has always marked the transition into autumn for me. The nights have grown cooler and I am looking foward to fall and its crisp air, beautiful colours, and all of the activities that go along with it. I work in a school so this end of summer also brings the beginning of the school year for me.
Last year was one of the worst years I have had working in a school. It could have been a post-Covid 19 fall out, the rise of the insatiable tech generation, or simply that my interest in the profession had run dry. Regardless, I was struggling. I had always been interested in cemeteries and history but when something clicked in my brain that this could be a legitimate hobby and pastime for myself, I jumped into action.
One cool, misty morning in late May, I threw my rubber boots on and left early for work to visit a cemetery that I had been driving by repeatedly. I spent the rest of my breaks that day researching the cemetery history and combing through my photos I had taken. This was my very first blog post - Petherton Pioneer Cemetery, Arthur, ON.
The taphophile community has been so welcoming and encouraging. I have found many like-minded individuals on Instagram and truly enjoy looking at their pictures which inspire me to get out and go headstone hunting. Even more, the kind words, 'likes', and even 2 features on other pages has been overwhelmingly amazing and has encouraged me to become part of the taphophile community.
This is also a special year for me as I am turning 30 in a mere 12 days! I am excited to take this new part of my life with me into my next decade and beyond. The magic and peace I feel in cemeteries will be my rock as I rework my career path and rediscover who I am and what I am meant to do, and I am very grateful for that. Although I am not sure of my direction, I am excited to see what adventures the future brings.
Thank you to those who have stopped by my blog, thank you to those who see and support my photos on instagram, and thank you to those who have supported me - you know who you are.
Thanks for reading. 🩶🪦🩶